Utilizar uma conta do Windows Live Hotmail no Outlook

Aplica-se a: Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003 Todas as contas do Windows Live Hotmail podem ser utilizadas com o Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 ou Office Outlook 2003, independentemente de se tratar de uma conta do Windows Live Hotmail gratuita ou paga. Para aceder à conta do Windows Live Hotmail com o Outlook, primeiro tem deContinue a ler “Utilizar uma conta do Windows Live Hotmail no Outlook”

Microsoft Active Directory (AD), suas funções e objetos

Resumo: Este artigo busca apresentar e explicar o funcionamento básico do Microsoft Active Directory (AD), suas funções, ferramentas e seus objetos físicos e lógicos. 1. Informações gerais do Active Directory O Active Directory que neste artigo chamaremos de AD, surgiu junto com o Sistema operacional Microsoft Windows Server 2000, ele foi desenvolvido de acordo comContinue a ler “Microsoft Active Directory (AD), suas funções e objetos”

Networking Basics: Part 2 – Routers

In the first part of this article series, I talked about some basic networking hardware such as hubs and switches. In this article, I want to continue the discussion of networking hardware by talking about one of the most important networking components; routers. Even if you are new to networking, you have probably heard of routers. BroadbandContinue a ler “Networking Basics: Part 2 – Routers”

Networking Basics: Part 1 – Networking Hardware

In this article series, I will start with the absolute basics, and work toward building a functional network. In this article I will begin by discussing some of the various networking components and what they do. This article will be the first in a series targeted toward novices. In this article series, I will startContinue a ler “Networking Basics: Part 1 – Networking Hardware”