Toyota Prius Hybrid – BOS

Toyota Prius Hybrid – BOS Blue ocean strategy is about how any company or organisation can break out of the red ocean of bloody competition or existing industries and create uncontested market space that makes the competition irrelevant, (Mauborgne,2011). Toyota, the Japanese auto maker reputed for its process innovation, as it developed the Lean ManufacturingContinue a ler “Toyota Prius Hybrid – BOS”

External Environment Analysis of Starbucks

External Environment Analysis of Starbucks Starbucks Corporation is an international coffee and coffee house chain based in Seattle, Washington, United States. It opened as a single small store opened in 1971 and became a coffee giant at the end of the millennium. Starbucks has led a coffee revolution in the United States and beyond. TheContinue a ler “External Environment Analysis of Starbucks”


Bem visto que os IP’s da versão 4 (ipv4) serão substituidos pela versão 6, num futuro muito proxímo decidi, postar este tutorial muito bom sobre IPv6.espero que possam gosta-lo: IPv6 Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.   O IPv6 é a versão 6 do protocolo IP. O IPv6 tem como objetivo substituir o padrão anterior, oContinue a ler “IPv6”

Stop a Rundll Error From Wreaking Havoc on Your PC.

Hey folks my pc was always giving this error whenever i start the pc, so went through those steps and it worked , i decided to post this in my blog..enjoy. What is a rundll error?  Rundll.exe files are systems process directly related to your computer’s Windows Registry. All Dll files are a part ofContinue a ler “Stop a Rundll Error From Wreaking Havoc on Your PC.”

Utilizar uma conta do Windows Live Hotmail no Outlook

Aplica-se a: Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003 Todas as contas do Windows Live Hotmail podem ser utilizadas com o Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 ou Office Outlook 2003, independentemente de se tratar de uma conta do Windows Live Hotmail gratuita ou paga. Para aceder à conta do Windows Live Hotmail com o Outlook, primeiro tem deContinue a ler “Utilizar uma conta do Windows Live Hotmail no Outlook”

Microsoft Active Directory (AD), suas funções e objetos

Resumo: Este artigo busca apresentar e explicar o funcionamento básico do Microsoft Active Directory (AD), suas funções, ferramentas e seus objetos físicos e lógicos. 1. Informações gerais do Active Directory O Active Directory que neste artigo chamaremos de AD, surgiu junto com o Sistema operacional Microsoft Windows Server 2000, ele foi desenvolvido de acordo comContinue a ler “Microsoft Active Directory (AD), suas funções e objetos”

Networking Basics: Part 2 – Routers

In the first part of this article series, I talked about some basic networking hardware such as hubs and switches. In this article, I want to continue the discussion of networking hardware by talking about one of the most important networking components; routers. Even if you are new to networking, you have probably heard of routers. BroadbandContinue a ler “Networking Basics: Part 2 – Routers”